Wednesday, June 29, 2011


days in and days out
she sits steadfast on her couch..
on the window is fixed her eye
not noticing how the time flies by ...
she sits there in the moonlight
unaware of the broad daylight....
she seems to b knitting a web of her thoughts
struggling hard to detangle every single knot..
whatever happened,no one can be blamed for
was it the fate she called or the situation she bore..
her only blunder was that she loved too dearly
being named selfish at every stage
could now see the face of her 'dear ones'
very very clearly....
a mirage was created by her pure heart
was now face to face 
with the actual demon on her angel's part...
she could do nothing but cry
on seeing the trust shattered right in front of her eye...
she now realised that the world was shady
not meant for a pure soul and an honest lady....
earlier for her loved ones she could easily compromise
but now the atrocious world had made her wise...
she realised that the world is not worthy of her blind trust
threw away that old fragile girl and made it rust...
now a new side of her was born
still in some private corner of her heart
that old girl lementes from dusk till dawn...
however hard it may be'
she had learnt to move on
and now she stands in the glare of the sun
ready to face the noxious world
as a confident one....
she sits by the window,contended like none
she has faith on god,that they will pay for the deeds done...

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