Thursday, June 30, 2011

love story

love starts with a smile
but your tear mad me fall in love with you....

ours is a different love story
passed many hurdles and reached its glory...

it did not start as an aquaintance
but pure friendship...

we are attached to one another with a strong bond
this saga of pure love will be recited on and on...

a number of times you have said so
but seems like the first time
when i hear it from you...

since ages our days and nights are passing by 
talking to eachother,and dreaming of one another
under the shimmering sky...

i never knew that i could feel like this
unaware that love was such a happy bliss...

tender is your lovely kiss,comforting is your embrace
i can give up evrything
just for a smile on your face...

you are the best part of my life
your love is enough to suffice...

every night i dream of you
every morning i want to be with you...

looking at the moon and those glittering stars in the sky
i am assured we are protected by the all mighty up high...

a minute does not go by when i dont hope 
that you are well
in my heart no one else but only you dwell....

every second i yearn to be close to you,in your arm
i will guard your happiness and protect you from
every single harm...

you have cast a spell on me
i have become blind by your charm....

there is not a day passing when i dont think of you...
i never thought i could miss someone as much as i miss you......